How to Make Cannabis Butter (Its super easy)
Cannabis contains THC & when we smoke it, we get high. There is only a really a small percentage of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) in the buds, the majority is locked up in THCA (Tetrahydrocannabinol-acid). Its nonpsycoactive, that wont get you high (but they are now finding so many useful benefits from thca). When you smoke/heat up cannabis, the combustion converts the THCA into THC, this is called decarboxylation. We can do this with an oven. If you have a dry herb vaporizer, your device is doing this. Save your vaped bud to make baked goods.
"Decarboxylation or decarb is the intimidating term for the process of heating marijuana until the THCA has converted to THC." -A Women's Guide To Cannabis by Nikki Furrer
This method of decarbing (decarboxylating) is as it is described by Nikki Furrer in her book 'A Women's Guide to Cannabis: Using Marijuana to Feel Better, Look Better, Sleep Better-And Get High Like A Lady'. It's my tried and tested method time & time again. Its so easy
If you do better with visual instructions, check out my how to video on youtube here.
You need: Baking tray, pan, grinder, Flower, Carrier Oil (coconut, butter, olive oil, muslin cloth or strainer
I prefer clarified butter as it is more shelf stable. To make clarified butter: Heat butter in a pan, remove the creamy bits as they rise to the surface. These are the milk solids. If you're using salted butter, they are DELICIOUS. When most of the milk solids are removed and you have a golden liquid left, pour into a clean jar to set)
-Pre-heat your oven to 110-120 degrees celsius
-Grind your flower/shake/trim for maximum surface area exposure to the heat
-Spread out on a baking tray. I like to like to line my tray with baking paper to avoid an contamination or if your tray has any cooked on oily bits the flower & crystals could get stuck to.
- Place in the middle of the oven for 45-60mins, DONT FORGET TO SET A TIMER!!! ***This can be stinky so be aware.
-Chuck your oil & flower into the pan & put it on a low low heat. Let the flower and oil stew, stirring every now and again. The time you do this can be down to you. Try and give it a couple of hours. I like to leave it as long as possible, so I will turn the hob off and leave it over night before straining. The more time its infusing, the more can be extracted from the flower.
You can use a small slow cooker for this. The beauty of the slow cooker for me is I don't have to worry about it, just pour in the ingredients and its done.
-Using a natural fibre cloth like muslin, I strain the oil & flower, twisting & squeezing the cloth until I feel I have got as much as I can out of the ball of flower mixture catching the oil in a nice clean jar or food storage container. If you have food safe gloves, use them for this...you can get a good buzz from absorbing the oil through your skin.
Use the butter as and how you like. I like to add a teaspoon to hot chocolate before bed or to coffee in the morning on bad pain days. Use them in your baked goods or spread on toast. If you have used an oil like olive oil or coconut oil, you could also use this oil topically.
If you have any questions about the methods here please do not hesitate to leave a comment or drop me a message on social media. You can also check out my youtube video here....click this link or watch below